High Pulse but Low Blood Pressure and Special Relationship

High heart rate, heart palpitations can be caused by nervousness, anxiety or caused by excessive exercise. If this is just a normal psychophysical phenomenon to meet the demand for oxygen use of the body, there is absolutely nothing to worry about or need no treatment. 

However, when your heart beats frequently, and is accompanied by a few other symptoms such as dizziness, chest pain, and sweating, we may need to go to the hospital immediately. may be a sign of decreased blood pressure. What is the relationship between low blood pressure and low heart rate? Is this phenomenon dangerous? Let's take a few minutes to immediately consult the useful information below.

Notes: High heart rate = high pulse

High heart rate - low blood pressure

Note. Video Low Blood Pressure and High Pulse - Blood Pressure vs. Heart Rate (Pulse)
A high heart rate, also known as tachycardia, is defined as a heartbeat greater than 100 beats per minute. The cause of this phenomenon may be due to overwork, anxiety, fear, heart disease, blood pressure or vitamin deficiency, inadequate diet.

One of the main causes of high heart rate to learn in today's article is low blood pressure.
Cao High heart rate is considered an inevitable consequence of hypotension. The reason is that, when blood pressure drops, the blood pressure needed to work on the artery walls to bring blood to nourish the tissues in the body will decrease, thereby making the heart's contraction force to work harder to provide Supply enough blood and nutrients to feed the body. If this condition persists, if not treated promptly, sudden drop in blood pressure can be dangerous, life-threatening.

Loạt A host of dangerous complications caused by a drop in blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat including heart attack.

Tips to reduce the high heart rate caused by low blood pressure

The long-running tachycardia not only causes complications in the brain, it can also cause heart failure, stroke and even cardiac arrest. So to limit these dangers, we must find ways to control health, balance blood pressure, control heart rate better by:
✔ When there are signs of a drop in blood pressure such as dizziness, lightheadedness, you need to rest immediately. You can drink a cup of ginger tea to help stabilize blood pressure.
✔ Building a scientific diet, should add more foods rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, protein ... good for the heart, blood pressure and general health.
✔ Drink plenty of water
✔ Stable heart rate, stabilize blood pressure by relaxing, always to be mentally comfortable and happy
✔ Spend time exercising and exercising. Many people with low blood pressure think that exercise will make the heart work harder so beat faster, so blood pressure is also lower, affecting health. However, this concept needs to be adjusted immediately. The heart, like muscles, regular exercise will help keep the body healthy. This is considered a leading measure to help prevent cardiovascular disease. People with low blood pressure should participate in gentle exercises such as walking, cycling, yoga, meditation or swimming ... only 30 minutes a day, continuously you will notice the effect.
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